Thanks for your interest on getting to know a little bit about myself. I truly admire the human connection that can be built when we can better understand each other and think of others in our own shoes. I hope you can relate with the fact that I'm probably just like you, in my own ways.
You can know me better below:
👤 My identity
I am...
- named Tiago Romero
- identified by the pronouns he/him
- Amor, to my wife Cíntia
- Papai, to my dog Sherlock
- Aries on Sun, Leo on Rising, Sagittarius on Moon (🔥🔥🔥)
🇧🇷 My origins
I am...
- a Paulistano (born and raised in São Paulo, Brasil)
- an American (first-generation immigrant)
- living in the Sacramento Area in California
- a non-Hispanic Latino, to the Census 2020
- fluent in Portuguese and English, intermediate in Spanish, learning ASL
🤸🏽 My interests
I am...
- an ethical vegan since 2017, sober since 2018
- training handstands, flexibility and strength at my home gym
- a runner in sandals (and an advocate for barefoot shoes)
- a person with 40+ tattoos
- roasting my own coffee
🫶🏼 My values
I am...
- just a human being, like you and every other one of our Mother Earth
- very grateful for my entire life journey and experiences, and for the opportunity to live day after day
- not defined by my career, but by my learnings and accomplishments through my journey
- driven by empathy, kindness, and creativity
- trying to make the world a better place